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dc.contributor.authorTsiuniak, Oksana-
dc.contributor.authorЦюняк, Оксана Петрівна-
dc.identifier.citationTsiuniak О. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for improving the professional training of future masters of elementary education to innovative activities. Professional Pedagogics, 1(20), 2020. С. 71−77. URL:
dc.description.abstractRelevance. The urgency of the research: the social mandate of modern Ukrainian society is the personality of a competitive teacher oriented to innovation. Therefore, ensuring an appropriate system of future professionals' professional training and the formation of their professional readiness for innovation should be an important component of the educational-bringing-up process in higher education institutions. However, in higher education institutions it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for the training of a competent specialist, oriented towards innovation activity, constant professional growth that will ensure further high level of competitiveness, productivity of professional activity and, as a result, of career growth and self-realization. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for improving the professional training of future masters of elementary education to innovative activities. Methods: theoretical (learning and analyzing of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, comparison and generalization of scientists' priority ideas to solve this problem, study of normative legal documents, analysis of training programs for higher (second) master's degree); empirical (peer review methods); statistical (partial analysis of test of statistical hypotheses); systematization and generalization in order to formulate scientific conclusions of the case study. Results: various scientific approaches to understand the essence of the concepts of "vocational training", "professional readiness to innovation activity", "condition", "organizational and pedagogical conditions" were generalized in the article. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for improving the professional training system of future masters of elementary education to innovation activities had been substantiated. These conditions are as follows: integration of innovation activity into a united educational process at higher education institutions; availability of material and technical foundation, which encourages future masters of elementary education to innovation activity; forming of motivation to innovation activities in the future masters of elementary education via establishing the subject subjective interaction among all participants of the educational process; updating and systematization of the vocational training content, which helps to form innovative competences and professional readiness to innovation activity in master's degree students; the availability of forms and methods for organizing the professional training of future masters of elementary education to innovation activity. The choice of organizational and pedagogical conditions for improving the professional training system of future masters of elementary education to innovation activity was carried out basing on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources, their own assertions and the results of the ascertaining experiment. Conclusion: The complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions for improving the professional preparation system of future masters of elementary education to innovation activity was proposed by the author. It ensures the meeting a goal and objectives of professional training; coherence and interaction of content, forms, methods for preparation of master's degree students. It also contributes to the creation of an innovative educational environment to shape the professional readiness of future masters of elementary education to innovation activity.uk_UA
dc.subjectsystem, professional training, future masters of elementary education, higher education institution, innovation activityuk_UA
dc.titleOrganizational and pedagogical conditions for improving the professional training of future masters of elementary education to innovative activities.uk_UA
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