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Назва: Traditions of Swimming in the Physical Culture of Galicia Until Before 1939
Автори: Zaborniak, Stanislaw
Mytskan, Bogdan
Mytskan, Tetiana
Ключові слова: swimming, sports clubs, interwar period.
Дата публікації: 12-гру-2017
Видавництво: Physical education, sports and health culture in modern society
Бібліографічний опис: Traditions of Swimming in the Physical Culture of Galicia Until Before 1939 S Zaborniak, B Mytskan, T Mytskan - Physical education, sports and health culture in modern society Випуск 3 (39). - 2017. С.133-139
Короткий огляд (реферат): The purpose of this study was to identify the features of the development of swimming in Galicia in the interwar period (20–30 years of the twentieth century). To this end, a historical study and analysis of scientific literature on the development of navigation in the central and eastern regions of the Ukrainian lands, as well as in Galicia, was conducted. It was established that during the period of Galicia being found in the II Rzecz Pospolita (20–30th years of the 20th century) among Ukrainians there was a spread only on volleyball and football. Track and field athletics, skiing, but also swimming. The first swimming competitions in Galicia took place in June 1923 in Lviv on a natural reservoir. Both during the first and subsequent swimmings (R. Shukhevych, O. Priphan, O. Dutkevich, Valko, O. Dzjaba) competed in all kinds of swimming (free style, bracelet, butterfly, relay swimming) and showed sports The results of which were at the level with athletes of the Ukrainian people's republic. The formation and development of swimming in Galicia is closely linked with the sports clubs «Carpathian Leshtiaryan Club», «Sokol», «Chernik», «Sokol-Father» in the cities of Lviv, Stanislaviv, Ternopil. Przemysl.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/5735
ISSN: ISSN 2410-2156 (Online), ISSN 2220-7481 (Print)
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові видання (ФФВС)

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