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dc.contributor.authorКовбанюк, Мар'яна Іванівна-
dc.identifier.citationКовбанюк М. І. До питання функціонування французького герундія (на матеріалі роману М. Леві “Toutes ces choses qu’on ne s’est pas dites” та його українського перекладу). Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. 2018. № 10. С. 46- 50uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with the analysis of the semantic interval between second and main actions involving French gerund as a second predicate and its Ukrainian equivalents. Using scientific and methodological principles, the functioning of the main and second predicates from the standpoint of taxis theory in particular simultaneity and sequence has been overviewed. According to semantic-syntactic theories such sentences are considered to be polypredicated units that foresees the realization of some situations within a non-elementary structure. The research material includes 309 simple constructions with French gerund. There were determined three main groups of equivalents according to Ukrainian translation: 1) absolute equivalence; 2) partial equivalence; 3) conditional equivalence. Their productivity has been established with the help of the quantitative analyses. The key aim of the research was to take an overview of semantic interval between the first and the second gerund predicate actions. The main semantic features of French gerund in the function of the second predicate within simultaneity and sequence have been found out. The Ukrainian translation has made it possible to determine cases when French gerund may become more independent of semantic predicate core of the sentence. Such correlation has also proved the fact of the absence of an interval between two situational actions within a non-elementary structure. At the same time, it was possible to say that semantic sequence is an exception according to the simultaneous background. Based on the research material it has been shown that French gerund as a second predicate became losing its dependence of the main one, acquires distinctive features, thus the duration of the semantic interval is extended.uk_UA
dc.publisherДрогобицький ДПУ ім. І. Франкаuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesФілологічні науки;№ 10-
dc.subjectвторинний предикатuk_UA
dc.subjectпервинний предикатuk_UA
dc.subjectсемантичний інтервалuk_UA
dc.titleДо питання функціонування французького герундія (на матеріалі роману М. Леві “Toutes ces choses qu’on ne s’est pas dites” та його українського перекладу)uk_UA
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