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dc.contributor.authorЧуйко, Олег Дмитрович-
dc.identifier.citationДавньогалицька архітектура в контексті сакральної культури Русі ХІІ–ХІІІ ст. // УКРАЇНСЬКА КУЛЬТУРА : МИНУЛЕ, СУЧАСНЕ, ШЛЯХИ РОЗВИТКУ Науковий збірник. РДГУ. Вип. 30. 2019. С. 8‒14.uk_UA
dc.descriptionANCIENT GALICIAN ARCHITECTURE AGAINST THE BACKGROUND OF SACRAL CULTURE OF RUS IN THE 12th-13th CENTURIES The paper considers peculiar development of sacral architecture of the Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia which, while being congruent with the Eastern Christian tradition, still applied Romanesque building techniques and created building decoration system involving white-stone carvings typical of Central and Western European artistic tradition. It also covers some aspects of scholarly discussion concerning mutual influence of Galicia-Volhynia and Vladimir-Suzdal stone architecture of the 12th-13th centuries. The aim of this paper is to reveal stylistic peculiarity of ancient Galician construction school sacred buildings, as well as stone temples on the territories of Northern Rus, as well as explore the factors of their development and popularity during the period of Romanesque domination and the subsequent role in the national religious construction. Research Methodology. In this paper we opt for the complex system approach due to the multilevel nature of the research object, since it concerns to the spheres of cultural studies, history, sociology, archeology and art criticism. Based on historical and sociocultural approaches, we provide insight into the evolutionary dynamics of cultural links between Galician Rus and Central and Western European countries, which predetermined to a great extent the nature of church architecture of Galician lands in the princely era. Findings. We explore close political and cultural contacts between the Kingdom of Galicia, Hungary, Poland and other medieval countries, which contributed to popularity of the Romanesque stylistic and technological techniques in construction processes on the territory of the Galician and Vladimir-Suzdal lands. We find that, despite abundant signs of Western European influences, medieval churches on the territory of Southwest Rus testify to the local architectural tradition peculiarity, expressed in the brickwork technology, design and arrangement trends and unique temple interior decoration. Novelty. Academic novelty of the research results lies in the fact that we address Ruthenian religious buildings holistically, in cultural terms and against the background of historical reality, as a result of intercultural links between Galician Rus and other medieval European states. We single out several Ancient Galician churches and analyze them from the perspective of stylistic inspirations in the Galician school architecture of the 12th-13th centuries. We also differentiate design features and stylistic peculiarities of Ancient Galician temples according to their correspondence with Western European art and style systems and local architectural tradition. We identify originality of the local architectural school of Ancient Rus in its western territories. Practical Application of the Research. Basic concepts and conclusions of this paper might be used as the basis for studying and analyzing cultural and artistic heritage of Ukraine, as teaching aids in educational courses on the history of Ukrainian culture, cultural studies and regional ethnography. Research results might also be useful in museum and excursion practice when creating accompanying art-study texts. Key words: Middle Ages, architecture, Romanesque style, Halych, Chelm, Vladimir-Suzdal Principality.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractСтаття присвячена особливостям розвитку сакральної архітектури Галицько-Волинського князівства, яка, перебуваючи у руслі східнохристиянської традиції, використовувала романську будівельну техніку та сформувала систему декоративного оздоблення споруд із застосуванням білокам’яного різьблення, що є типовим для центрально- і західноєвропейської мистецької традиції. Висвітлено окремі аспекти наукової дискусії стосовно взаємовпливів галицько-волинської та володимиро-суздальської мурованої архітектури ХІІ–ХІІІ ст.. Виявлено, що, незважаючи на виразні ознаки західноєвропейських впливів, середньовічні церкви на території Західної Русі свідчать про особливість місцевої архітектурної традиції, виражену в технології будівництва, тенденціях облаштування інтер’єрів в унікальному внутрішньому просторові храмових споруд.uk_UA
dc.publisherРівне РДГУuk_UA
dc.subjectСередньовіччя, архітектура, романська стилістика, Галич, Холм, Володимиро-Суздальське князівствоuk_UA
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