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Назва: Philosophical Foundations of Ecological Ethics
Інші назви: -
Автори: Васянович, Григорій Петрович
Будник, Олена Богданівна
Арджуменд, Хасрат
Ключові слова: Ecological Ethics; Noology; Knowledge of God; Knowledge of Nature; Knowledge of Human
Дата публікації: гру-2018
Видавництво: The Grassroots Institute, http://grassrootsinstitute.net/
Бібліографічний опис: Vasianovych H., Budnyk O., Arjjumend, H. Philosophical Foundations of Ecological Ethics. Grassroots Journal of Natural Resources, 1(2) (2018), P. 62-68. Doi: https://doi.org/10.33002/nr2581.6853.01022. URL: http://journals.grassrootsinstitute.net/journal1-natural-resources/vol-1/issue-2/nr.01-02-2.Budnyketal.pdf
Серія/номер: 1(2) (2018);4-2019
Короткий огляд (реферат): This article substantiates the essence of ecological ethics in the context of modern scientific research. The emphasis lies on the need to develop a strategy and approach of human behavior amid the natural environment, rational nature management, protection and restoration of the surrounding world. The new methodological thinking is characterized by philosophical foundation of ecological ethics (ecological consciousness, ecological thinking, ecological values, ecological activity, etc.). The idea of development of environmental ethics based on principles of Christian and Philosophic noology is introduced. The world outlook is changing rapidly with its positive and negative aspects. It requires humanization of natural environment as well as a human being by forming ecological consciousness. There is a necessity of humanization of technosphere and abandoning technocratic thinking, which is anti-culture itself and, at times, it endangers human race on the Earth.
Опис: Наукова стаття з філософії, екологічної етики (англомовна)
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/4600
ISSN: ISSN: 2581-6853
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ПФ)

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