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Інші назви: Development of technology of superconducting multilevel wiring in speed GaAs structures of LSI/VLSI
Автори: Новосядлий, Степан Петрович
Котик, Михайло Васильович
Дзундза, Богдан Степанович
Грига, Володимир Михайлович
Новосядлий, Святослав Володимирович
Мандзюк, Володимир Ігорович
Ключові слова: complementary structures
integrated circuits
carbon films
magnetron deposition
Дата публікації: 2018
Бібліографічний опис: Development of technology of superconducting multilevel wiring in speed GaAs structures of LSI/VLSI / S. Novosiadlyi, M. Kotyk, B. Dzundza, V. Gryga, S. Novosiadlyi, V. Mandzyuk// EASTERN-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGIES, Vol 1, No 5 (91) (2018)
Короткий огляд (реферат): Technological aspects of the use of superconducting materials are considered and the possibility of making targets for magnetron deposition of films for the formation of cryoconductive wiring in GaAs-based LSI-structures is shown. The technological methods and regimes are determined and high-performance technology of cryoalloys making based on Al, Nb, V with Si, Ge and rare-earth metal admixtures and magnetron formation of superconducting films from aluminum, niobium and vanadium alloys are developed. In particular, technological regimes (ion current, accelerating voltage, deposition rate, plasma composition, uniformity of components per silicon substrate diameter) have been established, which provide a thickness of films at the level of 0.6-1 μm. Insignificant thermomechanical stresses (about 1 kg/cm2) and small grain size (~ 10 nm) will allow for excellent adhesion of deposited films and formation of a topological pattern of submicron sizes using photolithography. The parameters and characteristics of the Schottky field GaAs transistors on homo- and heterostructures (Schottky barrier height 0.75-0.8 eV, non-ideality factor 1.2-2, breakdown voltage of Schottky barrier 15-30 V) are explored and methods for increasing the speed of the LSI-structures are defined. It is shown that increasing the speed of LSI/VLSI-structures on gallium arsenide is achieved by using thermostable cryomaterials as gate electrodes, conductors and contacts of source-drain regions of the Schottky field-effect transistors.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2527
ISSN: 1729-3774
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ФТФ)

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