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Назва: Development of the conceptual model of implementation of the state strategy of communication with realization of european integration approaches
Автори: Ovechkina, Olena
Mykhailyshyn, Liliia
Shevchenko, Olena
Shevchuk, Vladyslava
Korovchuk, Yurii
Kohut-Ferens, Oksana
Михайлишин, Лілія Іванівна
Коровчук, Юрій Іванович
Когут-Ференс, Оксана Ігорівна
Ключові слова: communication
state strategy
conceptual model
European integration
a block diagram
Дата публікації: 2022
Бібліографічний опис: Ovechkina O. Development of the conceptual model of implementation of the state strategy of communication with realization of european integration approaches / O.Ovechkina, L.Mykhailyshyn, O.Shevchenko, V. Shevchuk, Y. Korovchuk, O.Kohut-Ferens // Financial and credit activity problems of theory and practice/ - 2022/ № 4(45). - P. 437- 445.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article examines the aspects of the conceptual model of state communication strategy (SCS), which implements the approaches of European integration. Tasks to be solved by SCS are established. They include, in particular, a decrease in the lack of information in society, the lack of communication between communities and each citizen, ignorance of the direction of current political processes, and a decrease in the level of social tension. The main goal of the conceptual model of this strategy was formulated. This is the unity of society on the way to overcoming threats, reducing society's level of public anxiety, fear of taking responsibility for actions, for the protection of the country and public good, and to use all the mechanisms and tools provided by European integration. The importance of the formation of reliable feedback and the introduction of a self-regulatory process is indicated. Defects in the communication process have been identified, and SCS must be directed to correct them. A structural diagram of a conceptual model of the implementation of SCS with the realization of EU approaches was developed using a system approach. The developed scheme should become a methodical basis for the construction of SCS, which implements the approaches and basic principles of European integration under the conditions of discrediting the work of the aggressor. It is indicated that the conceptual model should take into account the need for external communication. For this purpose, it is necessary to improve the contractual basis between Ukraine and the EU in the sphere of security policy. The main paradigm of external communication which consists of the need to form a synergy of all public strata in the formation of information influence on the outside world for the implementation of cooperation policy and reduction of common threats has been revealed. The creation of a synergistic effect should be the result of SCS implementation.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/15020
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