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dc.contributor.authorМельник, Наталія Мирославівна-
dc.identifier.citationМельник Н. М. Theoretical Aspect of the Influence of Digital Competence of the Development of the Professional Competence of an English Language Teacher of Non-Lingual Specialties in High Schools. Закарпатські філологічні студії. Одеса: Видавничий дім “Гельветика”, 2022. №25. С.136 -140.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe relevance of the English teachers’ of higher educational establishments digital competence formation is caused by the education reform in Ukraine and the active use of distance and mixed learning due to unprecedented security measures. It is common knowledge that nowadays modern higher educational establishments should not only provide the educational process but also become a platform for creating innovations, implementing projects, creating scientific and educational online platforms, personalized educational trajectories. After all, the distance form of education which is facilitated by the use of digital technologies is becoming widespread. For specialists of a broad profile it is obvious that knowledge of information technologies greatly affects the formation of professional competence. In the era of transformations in education, the English language teachers of non-language faculties should possess skills that will shape their competitiveness and demand. Since the educational process is very often carried out online, and sometimes in a mixed format, having digital competence is not even a nice bonus, but a need of today. Digital technologies make it possible to intensify the process of obtaining an education, to diversify it, introducing an innovative approach. Without the creation of multimedia and interactive content, learning English quickly becomes boring, the quality of learning and motivation decreases, and so does success. From today's point of view, competent, responsible, competitive specialists who possess critical thinking, are proactive, creative, socially active and professionally mobile, competently and consciously use the means of information and communication technologies in their professional activities are in demand on the labor market.uk_UA
dc.subjectprofessional competenceuk_UA
dc.subjectdigital technologiesuk_UA
dc.subjectdigitalization of higher educational establishmentsuk_UA
dc.subjectdigital competenceuk_UA
dc.subjectnon-linguistic specialtiesuk_UA
dc.titleTheoretical Aspect of the Influence of Digital Competence of the Development of the Professional Competence of an English Language Teacher of Non-Lingual Specialties in High Schoolsuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeТеоретичний аспект впливу цифрової компетентності на розвиток професійної компетентності викладача англійської мови немовних спеціальностей у ЗВОuk_UA
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