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Назва: Augmented reality while studying radiochemistry for the upcoming chemistry teachers
Автори: Midak, Liliia
Kravets, Ivan
Kuzyshyn, Olha
Kostiuk, Tetiana
Buzhdyhan, Khrystyna
Hladkoskok, Ivanna
Lutsyshyn, Victor
Kiv, Arnold
Shyshkina, Mariya
Мідак, Лілія Ярославівна
Кравець, Іван Володимирович
Кузишин, Ольга Василівна
Буждиган, Христина Василівна
Ключові слова: augmented reality technology
mobile application
Дата публікації: 6-лип-2021
Видавництво: CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Бібліографічний опис: Augmented reality while studying radiochemistry for the upcoming chemistry teachers/ L. Midak, I. Kravets, O. Kuzyshyn, T. Kostiuk, Kh. Buzhdyhan, V. Lutsyshyn, I. Hladkoskok, A. Kiv, M. Shyshkina// Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Augmented Reality in Education, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, May 11, 2021. - http://ceur-ws.org. - Vol-2898. – Р. 147-158.
Серія/номер: 2898;8
Короткий огляд (реферат): The objective of the research is developing a mobile application (on Android) designed to visualize the basic definitions of the discipline “Radiochemistry and radioecology” in 3D. Studying the education material of this discipline (phenomena of radionuclide, radioisotope, the nucleus, the fundamental particle etc and their specifics) requires a more sophisticated explanation from the teacher and dynamic dimensional image from the student. Decent detailed visualization of the study material makes this process easier. So applying the augmented reality is rational for the purpose of visualizing the study material, applying it allows demonstrate 3D-models of the nucleus, the fundamental particles, the nature of radioactive decay, nuclear fission, the specifics of managing the nuclear weapon and the NPS. Involving this instrument of the up-to-date information and communication technologies while studying the new material gives the opportunity to develop and boost the spatial imagination of the students, “to see” the invisible and to understand the received material in a better way, which improves its better memorizing. As far as the augmented reality is one of the most recent new-age education trends, all the teachers are required to have the ability to use it. In this reason the upcoming teachers, the students of the “General Education (Chemistry)” specialty, must be trained with this technology. Within the study process the students have the opportunity to review the positive moments of applying AR from a student’s stand of point and to understand, how to apply similar education tools in the future pedagogic work.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/14891
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ФПН)

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