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dc.contributor.authorMidak, Liliia-
dc.contributor.authorKravets, Ivan-
dc.contributor.authorKuzyshyn, Olha-
dc.contributor.authorBaziuk, Liliia-
dc.contributor.authorBuzhdyhan, Khrystyna-
dc.contributor.authorPahomov, Jurii-
dc.contributor.authorМідак, Лілія Ярославівна-
dc.contributor.authorКравець, Іван Володимирович-
dc.contributor.authorКузишин, Ольга Василівна-
dc.contributor.authorБазюк, Лілія Володимирівна-
dc.contributor.authorБуждиган, Христина Василівна-
dc.contributor.authorПахомов, Юрій Дмитрович-
dc.identifier.citationAugmented reality as a part of STEM lessons/ L.Midak, I. Kravets, O. Kuzyshyn, L. Baziuk, Kh. Buzhdyhan, Ju. Pahomov// Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – 2021.- 1946 - Р. 1 12. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1946/1/012009.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractModern teachers and the managers of educational establishments have big challenge { to organize the lectures and the study process so that the students are provided with the necessary skills and to meet their educational needs, as well as their parents' expectations. An integrated lesson that is developed with a synthesis of information on di erent educational subjects stimulates the students' analytic thinking, which in exchange boosts the integral perception of the reality. That is why STEM lessons are becoming more and more popular among the educators, as far as the speci cs of this approach can really solve a lot of tasks. Modern IT-developments are an appropriate T { component during STEM lessons and while developing STEM projects. One of these up-to-date trends is called Augmented Reality (AR), which allows visualizing the study material and improves its reception and memorizing. The purpose of the research is development of a mobile app (on Android) for STEM lessons, designed for visualization of the chemical structure of organic, biologically active substances, which can be used by the teacher and students in order to carry out integrated lessons of biochemical area; revealing key speci cs of using STEM technologies while studying natural sciences.uk_UA
dc.publisherJournal of Physics: Conference Seriesuk_UA
dc.subjectaugmented reality technologyuk_UA
dc.titleAugmented reality as a part of STEM lessonsuk_UA
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