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Назва: Psychological Aid to Victims of War and the Covid Pandemic - 19 in Ukraine
Автори: Samara, Olga
Shkrabiuk, Veronika
Kompanovych, Marianna
Mateiko, Nataliia
Shelever, Oksana
Шкраб'юк, Вероніка Степанівна
Ключові слова: Psychotrauma; stress; crisis; neuropsychological correction; self-help; inner resources; psychotherapeutic and psychological approaches; psychotherapy.
Дата публікації: 2022
Видавництво: BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
Серія/номер: 13(4);
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article reflects theoretical, methodological and methodical bases of psychological aid to victims of unexpected crisis-military situations on the background of coronovirus pandemics spreading. The essence of psychological self-help as a factor of stress-resistance and internal psychological potential of resisting psychological traumas in the conditions of war and viral pandemics with the propositions of effective methodological means of its conducting is revealed. In providing psychological aid, the cognitive-behavioral approach was deemed effective as the basic one, and it was suggested that integrative psychotherapeutic and comprehensive psychological approaches to crisis counseling in conditions of military conflict be applied, depending on the specifics of survivors' experience of acute emotional reactions and the complexity of the course of posttraumatic stress disorders of resistance to the action of a psychotraumatic factor. Neuropsychological correction deserves special attention in providing psychological aid in conditions of military conflict and pandemics, which allows a combination of an integrated body-oriented psychological approach with neuro-psycho-correctional techniques and psychotherapeutic methods for effective restoration of the tone of the nervous system and stabilization of the psycho-emotional state. The main provisions of practical psychology that in conditions of war and pandemic COVID-19 the adaptive potential of psychological health of each person and psychological self-help is love, faith and hope. Psychological recommendations of educational character for the formation of basic skills to ensure psychological health in conditions of war and pandemic COVID-19 have been developed.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/14442
ISSN: 2067-3957
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ФП)

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