Будь ласка, використовуйте цей ідентифікатор, щоб цитувати або посилатися на цей матеріал: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/13913
Назва: To the Peculiarities of Legal and Non-Legal Regulation of Social Relations in theField of Sport
Інші назви: A las peculiaridades de la regulación legal y no legal de las relaciones socialesen el ámbito del deporte
Автори: Kostruba, Anatoliy
Kharytonov, Evgen
Kharytonova, Olena
Tkalych, Maksym
Tolmachevska, Yuliia
Коструба, Анатолій Володимирович
Ключові слова: legal regulation
non-legal regulation
autonomy of sport
sports law
legal order
Civil law
Дата публікації: 1-вер-2021
Видавництво: Retos
Бібліографічний опис: Kharytonov, E., Kharytonova, O., Kostruba, A., Tkalych, M., & Tolmachevska, Y. (2020). Las peculiaridades de la regulación legal y no legal de las relaciones sociales en el ámbito del deporte (To the Peculiarities of Legal and Non-Legal Regulation of Social Relations in the Field of Sport). Retos, (41) 2021, 131-137.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Sport is a unique area of social relations, which is officially autonomous and ruled not only and not so much bynational law, but to a greater extent – by the rules of sports organizations. Due to the fact that sport has an autonomouscharacter, which, in particular, is characterized by the presence of various regulatory sources that comprehensively affect therelevant social relations, the concept of a unique «sports legal order» is now beginning to take shape. The study aims to analyzesocial relations in the field of sport and the peculiarities of their regulation. Moreover, the research methodology includes aset of methods of scientific cognition, among which are the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, formal-logical method, historical method and comparative legal method. Regulation of relations in the field of sports is significantlydifferent from the regulation of other social relations. The presence of such features gives grounds for sports officials todeclare the special status of the field of sports and the need to remove it from the general legal order. As a result of the study,the authors of the article came to the conclusion that modern sport has an autonomous status and is a special area of legal andnon-legal regulation, which has the characteristics of an independent legal order. At the same time, it is too early to claim theexistence of a full-fledged «sports legal order»
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/13913
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті та тези (ННЮІ)

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